Monday, December 22, 2008

"Hello, world!" - note the proper use of quotation marks

For those of you who have been keeping up to date on my blogging history, you may have noticed that I used a similar title for my previous-first blog post.  This may upset you, or make you want to stop reading, or turn you off to my new line of neil-products including t-shirts and lunchboxes with neil all over them. However, before you search for lunchboxes from other businesses, allow me to defend myself.  "Hello, world" is required to be in the first post of a blog.  In fact, it's illegal not to include it in most states (citation: wikipedia - "law").  It's more illegal than jay-walking, but not quite as illegal as murder.  Probably somewhere in the burglary area of illegality.  So by abiding by this law, it frees up other illegal-points for me to spend elsewhere (burglary).  Also, it's nice to say hello to someone more than once.

By now, several of you will have stopped reading.  For those of you who have powered through the first little bit, allow me to thank you profusely and offer you a vintage lunchbox, now on sale from neil's place of business for the low price of $whatever you want to give me.  In this blog, I will attempt (fail) to make the reader laugh, cry, think, breathe, and, of course, give me money (citation: wikipedia - "breathing (disambiguation)").  So if any of you or anyone you know wants to do any of those, check back here occasionally and send links all over the place.  You might just win a free lunchbox for as little as $4.99*, and if you don't continue to read you might find your possessions burglarized someday soon.

Goodbye hello world,

*four payments of $1.24, and then 3 more cents

1 comment:

  1. dear sir,

    i find your proposition intriguing. you must not have enabled paypal yet, since my attempts to send you the first payment have met with angry noises from my computing machine.

    very well. my credit card information is as follows:
    Todd F Swisher
    1364 4850 6509 7744 (Security code: 522)
    Expiration date: 05/2010

    i hardly have to request you keep this information close to your breast. you can't be careful these days!
